Tuesday, October 29, 2019


The photo above is the table we used for all cakes & cupcakes.  The bride didn't want to go with the traditional wedding cake.  The bride and groom used the chocolate cake as a wedding cake and a variety of cupcakes was served.  (Not pictured cupcakes under the chocolate cake on the silver tray)

Chocolate cake from Sams Club cost $15.  Huge savings over the $250 wedding cake we looked at.

We served Caramel Cupcakes and  White Chocolate cupcakes, I made all of the cupcakes at home saving a huge amount of money.  You can also find all of the recipes at Sweet Southern Blue.  

The dessert table

There was a variety of black, white, and purple candy along with cream puffs drizzled in chocolate.

There was also a chocolate bar with a variety chocolate cookies & brownies.  There was also a chocolate fountain and hot chocolate with a variety of creamers and toppings.

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